Saturday, January 9, 2010

Holiday's end, New Totes, Lunch Sack Giveaway! Woot!

First,Thanks to everyone for making my first holiday season truly wonderful! I've been insanely busy, and loving it!
Next, I was asked to do an interview and a giveaway on Very exciting! Follow the blog, and enter to win a lunch sack of your choice! If you decide to purchase from me, leave a convo or in the notes to seller HMGIVEAWAYS and I'll refund 10% of your total purchase!
Lastly.. My newest product.. tada! grocery sized totes!They seemed to be a hit with the fam, so I'll see how they do on Artfire and Etsy. They should go up in a few days! (need to get a few finished up first!) I'll have them cherry, black and white, Orange and white, brown and white, and pink and white damask prints!